Social isolation schema responds to positive socialexperiences: Longitudinal evidence
fromvulnerable populations
Tegan Cruwys, Genevieve A. Dingle, Matthew J. Hornsey,Jolanda Jetten, Tian P. S. Oei and Zoe C. Walter
Objectives: Maladaptive shemas are stable cognitive working models of the world, learnt early in life, that
interfere with effective functioning and underline chronic mentalillness. A major challenge for cognitive therapy
has been how to modify schemas when they are so enduring and stable. We propose tha because maladaptive
schemas are formed through social experiences (typically abusive or neglectful ones),they mighr best be corrected
through positive social experiences that directly challenge the schema.
Design: Two longitudinal studies were conducted, one with patients undergoing groupcognitive behavioural therapy
(N=92) and one with homeless individuals residing intemporary accommodation (N=76).
Method: In each study, social isolation schemas was measured at Time 1 and again at time 2 following a group
based social experience (group psychotherapy or temporary residence at a community organization). A positive
experience of group life was operationalized ad social identification with the therapy group in study 1 or the
community organization in Study 2
Results : In both studies, social identification led to a significant reduction in socialisolation schema. Study 2
indicated that these effects were fully mediated by the formation of ties to new social groups, such that social
idendification scaffolfed the development of new group memberships, which in turn decreased the endorsement
of maladaptive schema.